Culture pass “Hunger for art and culture”

The municipality of Tulln is a partner in the “Hunger for Art and Culture” campaign. It enables people with financial difficulties to take part in cultural life. With a culture pass, people in a precarious income situation receive free entry to all cultural institutions that are partners of “Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur”.

How does the promotion work?

Cultural institutions that are partners of the campaign allow Kulturpass holders free entry. In those cultural institutions that have limited seats, there are usually quotas for Kulturpass holders. The culture pass holder can or must make a reservation.

In Tulln, the culture pass is valid at the following institutions:

Where is the culture pass available?

Tulln community citizens can obtain the culture pass from the city hall’s citizen service.

Langenlebarn, Frauenhofen, Nitzing, Staasdorf, Neuaigen, Mollersdorf and Trübensee also belong to the municipality of Tulln.

People whose main place of residence is not in the municipality of Tulln, but in the district of Tulln, can obtain the culture pass from the social welfare office of the Tulln district authority (Kerschbaumergasse 15).

Dates / deadlines

The culture pass is valid for one year from the date of issue.


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