Public transport in our region

Ukrainians can use public transport in our region (Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region = VOR = traffic alliance eastern region) free of charge.

Date of posting on VOR website: 03/02/2022

Ukrainian passport or identity card as driving authorization

In addition to ÖBB trains, Ukrainians can now use all buses and trains in the Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region (VOR) free of charge. In the federal states of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, public transport is available from around 40 transport companies, the VOR announced in a broadcast on Wednesday.

The basis for the right to drive is a Ukrainian passport or identity card. The unbureaucratic and flexible regulation applies until further notice and will be adjusted according to the current situation.

Before you start your journey, please check that the information on the link » is up to date, as this offer is available until further notice and can be discontinued at any time:

In case of problems, show the inspector this link and your passport.


Im Basar finden die UkrainerInnen und die Gastgeber Möbelstücke, Gebrauchsgegenstände die fürs tägliche Leben benötigt werden.

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Bitte registriere Dich hier » um eine Anfrage zu stellen.

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