basic security

At the same time as the legal residence registration, the registration office also handles the submission of the basic service – the state financial support.

The applications are forwarded by the municipality of Tulln to the responsible district authority.

Refugees submit missing documents directly to the district authority by e-mail at:

( also when changing residence and de-registration)

Phone: 02272/9025/39563

Basic care services in individual accommodation (not if staying in a organised accommodation)

The following essential basic services are provided for individual accommodation for needy refugees:

Meal allowance (monthly) – for private accommodation (i.e. NOT in an organized accommodation)

€ 215,- for adults
€ 100,- for minors

Rental subsidy (monthly) up to the amount of the actual rental costs (only on presentation of a rental agreement)

Max. € 300 for families (from two people)
Max. € 150,- for individuals

School supplies for school children

€ 200 per child and year

clothing help

€ 150 per person and year (payment in two stages, in May and September)

Health insurance


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