Ukrainians can use public transport in our region (Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region = VOR = traffic alliance eastern region) free of charge. Date of posting on VOR
To be able to work you need the “blue card” . If you have not yet submitted your social security number, you can do so
In Austria, statutory insurance for damage to others is mandatory (liability insurance / Haftpflichtversicherung). However, liability insurance for Ukrainian cars does not automatically cover damage
You can go to any doctor and hospital of your choice for free. However, please bring your social security number with you. This makes it
The Henry store in Tulln ( google maps link ) sells clothes, crockery, cutlery, etc. at very reasonable prices (approx. 5 euros). For new guests
If you have to print out documents and are in our group, you are welcome to do so in our office at the moment. Wiener
Swimming, football, cycling, scooter riding. . . . people are already telling me all this that you do. And there’s more to come. We network